Saturday, August 31, 2013


Pics of my week...

Saturday - Getting discharge information

Sunday - Quiz: Sox either A) was sad that I was hurt B) protecting me from anyone that came to see me C) Sad that he was not getting his long walk on Sunday......

Sunday- Rehab began.. Strength Training

Monday and Wednesday - Carolina Sports Clinic went to work on my ankle/foot

Friday- Sox was a very happy Dog to go on his long walk/play day w/ his friend one day early

Saturday - Trysports- had my new bike shipped/put together/ and fitted all with in one week so I can ride it a couple of times before I go race in 10 days overseas. You rock!

So- I always think that people never get enough credit when they tell you "I will be praying for you", "I hope you have a speedy recovery" , "We will be thinking about you", "Get well soon cards"

Well- this stuff really works people! Im serious. There is no way I could have done all this in one week without your prayers and words of encouragement. Exciting stuff.. I hope your 3 day weekend started off good today.. If it didnt, well your in luck- you still have 2 more days-those who aren't in retail :(


Saturday, August 24, 2013


Today- I witnessed a miracle...

I woke up this morning at 4am for a fun Triathlon here in Charlotte. On my way I was singing pretty darn loud in my Jeep...

The morning was great, the weather perfect, the atmosphere electrifying. I have to add one point b/c this will give you chills later on.. 2 people, out of the 700 in the race, I knew I did not get along with. I always had it out for them, just thought they didnt like me. Ok- that will come back later...

So, the swim came and went. Felt pretty good other than the fact that everyone wears these speed suits these days that I do not have so I need to go buy one of those.. Still, good swim.. Then the bike..

I pretty much was on my own during the bike course, but felt pretty good. Until Mile 15......

A guy in a Truck thought he could make his left turn (opposite way of me) into his neighborhood faster than Me cycling past his entrance, He was wrong.. 

Cracked Helmet
Totaled Bike
4 flips on the bike
51feet between where I stopped rolling from where he hit me
9 Xrays
$1,000 damage to his bumper which hit my left side/leg (He T-boned me)
At first, total numbness in both legs, then just left side...

After all that, the doctor comes in and says "I have the results, and I dont think you realize what a miracle this is and how lucky you were, but both your Femer and Foot are not broken and your ankle is just sprained"..

Other than some crazy numbness and sore bruises, I am fine. 

So I talked to God, of course for a while. And realized a couple of things that this was a lesson on. 

1) The Charlotte Endurance community is amazing, So many people have reached out through Social Media today in huge thanks to My Good friend CL asking them all for prayers to go my way and updating everyone.  They most definitely worked! Just as they did to one of our known coaches who was affected in the Boston Bombing.

2) A slap in the face! The first 2 people to come visit me in the Hospital, were none other than those 2 people I mentioned earlier that I did not have good impressions towards for the last 2 years. Man, was I wrong.. I seriously would have guest anyone but them. Thank you JH and JL! Truly meant alot 

3) As I laid on the rode- I thought I could very well be paralyzed. I instantly asked God if that was my new road- please give me the strength to live that lifestyle.  But it was not, and for that- Im rejuvenated and ready to roll... 

Crazy, but alot more horrible stuff happens every second around the world. 

I love you all.. Seriously, if your reading this- I love you in some way somehow.. 


Thursday, August 22, 2013


Training has been going well. Yesterday was an extremely hard training day, a swim before work , a bike during lunch, and a track workout after work. While I normally get all 3 in each day during the week, some days are harder days and some are easy. 

For instance, days with Workouts- i.e Bike - 5x2mi all out w/ 1mi recovery , or Swim - 4x1000yds at a certain time, or Run - 6x800 at 5k pace etc. - are the ones that I really need to mentally prepare myself for and know that being tired is not an excuse. 
Days that are Easy are ones with my bike is just a 25mi easy cruise or a 5mi easy run, or a swim that involves the pull bouy and fins. These days are great b/c I really enjoy training and have fun. The Workout days are fun too but not until afterwards ;).

I am feeling fit right now for the World Champs in 19 days, but not yet feeling 100% confident. The second half of the season I have not raced that much due to the training plan I have for the Championship. But I think I might enter in one shortly to dust off the cobwebs of the racing mentality. 

Absolutely loving it, thats for sure.. Such a fun journey and to have some friends that join me on a workout or 2 makes it that much more enjoyable.