Sunday, February 1, 2015

January 2015

Monthly Recap

   This will be a month I will remember for  a while when it comes to training. Volume was high but I have had some high volume days/weeks/months. What was different was the fact that I did a good amount of training outside in the frigid weather conditions. Its very easy to run on a treadmill or bike on a trainer when the weather outside is freezing, raining, and very windy.

   I feel fit coming out of January. The mental aspect of doing 3 hr rides in 20degree temps at 7am in the winter is what really helped grow my confidence, strength, and toughness.

   There has been some epic training days. Running a 10k Time Trial right after work, doing a 2,000 yd swim Time Trial during lunch. Going all out for 25miles in the pouring rain at 34 degrees temps on the bike. Running 7min miles for 8miles AFTER a 55mile bike. This stuff I am taking with me coming race time along with all the slow yards and miles. All of it adds up.

   Another new tool for me is training with Power and Heart Rate. My coach is amazing and knows his stuff so that makes it easy. Its fun seeing 4 straight 1 hour runs at a Heart Rate of 144 average and an average pace of 7.42 per mile. I make it a game so running easy is not boring ;)

   Nutrition for these workouts is simple. A Bonk Breaker before every swim, bike, and run. And an extra one during the long Bike Workouts.

   I eat an abundance full of oatmeal, bananas, and anything Jen cooks which, luckily for me, is every night and it is delicious!

   Charlotte is such a great city for training, but also for everything else. We have been enjoying the winter walks at parks with the kids and the puppy. Nice to not think about training or work.

   Hot Tea and Coffee - pretty much the daily beverage intake with, of course, water. Then the weekend might consist of Apple Hard Cider :)

   Also, Jen and I just finished up our first Duet Coaching at the YMCA for Families. Its called Family Fit Friday. We had 7 families signed up and for our next 6 week sessions we have 16!! We are very excited.

Tucker graduated from puppy class so we are one very proud parents.

The farm is prettier than ever and our paradise is right outside our front door.

   Next month I assume will be about the same in training but might have some 40 degree rides which will be change.

It was a great month and cant wait for Februrary!

Charlotte looking a little chilly

Skate Night!


After a long workout on a weekend, I may splurge ;)

I love trains, but also a good view of the conditions my buddy Glenn and I biked in

Nesspresso Coffee!


Dang I love these bars.

Sunday Funday!

I graduated!

Its too Cold Look

These families did great and all improved their 5k times!

TriBike Transport

Filters Fast

Bonk Breaker