My triathlon training update will be brief. I am feeling amazing. All 3 sports are progressing as planned. Cant wait for races to start. I will have a weekend journal on my races this weekend.
2 things to answer:
1) No, I dont have a coach. I coach myself
2) I train mostly alone. The races your alone, so why not train alone.
Ok. Now for the fun stuff! 3 more books read in February which gives me a total of 7 books for the year. 23 to go to complete my New Years Res goal.
My books were Life of Pi, Running on Joy, and Harry Potter #2.
2 really cool things have happend since my last Book blog. A really good friend who I dont see that much during the school year (he teaches and coaches) suprised me on a Sunday and dropped off 2 books for me to read. I had asked for suggestions last month knowing It will be hard to have 30 good books to read. A gesture so small, made my day. For him to reach out like that is awesome and I know he reads my blog :) Thanks JR!
The other mystery- I am still trying to find out who- A book came in the mail from but does not tell me who bought it. It is definitely a book I will read, so i dont think it was a mistake. Those 2 acts of kindness go along way.
Right now I have 5 books on tap (not including my Harry potter once a month). Which means... I still need help people. 13 more books. Recommendations are welcomed.
Lastly, I like to write down quotes in a journal that I really like from books so here are a few from this month:
Cross Roads
- The Holy Spirit telling Anthony who she is:
"I am she who is more than you can begin to imagine and yet anchors your deepest longings. I am she whose love for you , you are not powerful enough to change, and i am she whom you can trust. I am the voice in the wind, the smile in the moon, the refreshing of the life that is water. I am the common wind that catches you by surprise and your very breath."
Life of Pi
-Talking about swimming
"there was the deep pleasure of doing a stroke with increasing ease adn speed, over and over, until hypnosis practically, the water turning from molten lead to liqud light."
-"the presence of God is the finest of rewards"
-Talking about survival
"I will not die. I refuse it. I will make it thourgh this nightmare. I will beat the odds, as great as they are. I have survived so far, miraculously. Now I will turn miracle into routine. The amazing will be seen everyday. I will put in all the hard work necessary. yes, so long as God is with me, I will not die. Amen"
Book Review:
Life of Pi - Great until the ending. I dont do well with gruesome stuff
Running with Joy - A must read for all you marathoners out there
Harry Potter #2 - Its crazy to think Im getting obsessed with this geeky character. But- I totally am!
Books Read so far in 2013:
Harry Potter #1
Cross Roads
The Bleachers
Life of Pi
Running with Joy
Harry Potter #2
Have a good Wednesday. Shout out to my work. For the last 2 years -They have made Accounting the most fun occupation a man can have and they let me train at an elite level.
Also- cant flipping wait until Sunday (first race of the year)!
My first book recommendation would be Unbroken by Laura Hillenbrand. It's on the life of Louis Zamperini, an Olympic distance runner and a World War II survivor.
Every Good Endeavor by Timothy Keller - on "Connecting your work to God's work
With God in Russia by Walter Ciszek
We are reading Life of Pi this month for book club. If you like World War II books then there's a great one called Hotel on the Corner of Bitter and Sweet by Jamie Ford that you might like. I have an extra copy of it that I'm happy to send you if you're interested in it.