Sunday, March 16, 2014


     I read this week about the story of Simon Peter. Whats cool about him is that Peter is the name God gave him. Jesus called him Peter when he knew he was going to be good, but called him Simon when he knew he was going to be Not so good. Maybe betrayal here, kill someone there. But anyway, I was fascinated by this story of a man that while all hope could be lost, God still saw the Good in him as he does in us.

That being said..........

The Good:
Swimming- A new milestone was hit last week. I did a workout with intervals that I was never able to do before. That really excited me. I Have also been able to either swim at lunch or before work every work day so that is AMAZING!!!

Cycling-Starting ride more and more outside which is always fun. The sun, the colorful trees, the wind, the horns honking, coffee stops, etc. But even better is that I am feeling more and more comfortable on the bike which has always been my weakest. I am determined to prove this year that I can hang with the Best on the bike as well.

Running-One of my workouts that I was very pumped about was a 5mile run after a 15mile bike, but the run was suppose to be easy. That was until my friend Chris decided to send me a video of an amazing finish last year in the World championship that really pumped me up. So I ran the middle 3miles at 5.49 pace and the last 2 of those at 5.37 pace. It felt comfortable which was great considering it was suppose to be an easy day

The Bad:
Work- I love work sooo much, but being Tax season- this is when I am busiest. But I always look at it as a challenge and tell my self if I can still train day in and day out on top of work- then I can do anything (I know I cant do anything but I like to think so :)

Anyway- a solid 2 weeks of training. Had a blast, and very thankful for every breath I am able to breathe.

Now- Pics from the last 2 weeks.

My Pain Cave

A Run Workout at 5am (I Look Scared!)

Oatmeal (Yep,I took a pic)

Fun Tuesday Night with Jen

My espresso shot I take before my 5am workouts

Yep- We devoured that! Made by Jen

Sox is too Big!

I can not be the only one that does this the night before

Filters Fast

Hammer Nutrition

1 comment:

  1. Keep pumping "Rocky Balboa" (the Italian Stallion)! To everything there is a season, and it's yours! :-)
