Thursday, July 20, 2017


Phase 1 of the 3 phase plan is complete! Basically, Weeks 1-4 of training is a build in either distance or volume for the week totals. Weeks 5-8 are consistent high volume/distance months. Weeks 9-12 are slowly tapering down to Race day.

I am so pumped with how this phase went. Having 3 kids has helped me really dial in to training and just getting it done day in and day out. I make sure to get my workouts done with out getting in the way of play time and time with my wife. Basically, really early/really late/or lunch break.

Key Workouts (This week was HOT!)

35min Workout on the Trainer and a 20min run immediately after. The goal was basically race pace for the entire workout. The bike was a 3x(5min @ 215w / 5min @ 205w) with a 5min warmup. Then right after I avg. 6.40pace for the 3mile run. I would like under 7min pace for the Half Ironman.

Long Run - 11.04mi - 7.22min/mi pace

A great loop from my house done at 8pm. I ran the last 3 miles faster than race pace and the first 8 very easy. It was a success and I am feeling more run fit by the week.

Week 4 - 9:08 hrs
Bike - 4 rides, 112.90miles, 5:23 hrs
Run - 5 runs, 23.90miles, 2:55 hrs
Swim - 2 swims, 3,390yds, 50min

Week 3 - 9:15 hrs
Bike - 4 rides, 109.89miles, 5:16 hrs
Run - 4 runs, 23.90miles, 2:58 hrs
Swim - 2 swims, 4,228yds, 1:00 hr

Week 2 - 8:31 hrs
Bike - 4 rides, 103.05miles, 4:45 hours
Run - 5 runs, 23.13miles, 2:50 hours
Swim - 2 swims, 3,890yds, 56min

Week 1 - 8:05 hrs
Bike - 4 rides, 99.08miles, 5:00 hours
Run - 5 runs, 24.67miles, 3:04 hours
Swim - None! Only week this will happen. Didnt feel like swimming with the sharks in VA beach

Training Partners: Glenn and Jake 

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