Monday, October 14, 2013


Fall Training Camp  (This is the Summer Training Camp Blog

8am - Friday the 12th of October
We left yesterday from Charlotte after work and arrived late last night. This morning, I sit on the porch this morning with a view that is breathtaking.. Basically, in twitter terms - #AmazingView #MountainLakeHouse #FallLeavesChanging
On tap- a 10-12mile run which is basically death in the mountains, a little strength workout midday, another 3mile run in the afternoon.... Gotta Love it!

Click on the pic, then scroll through them (they are larger that way)

- Well, we are having a Brunch right now..... Perfect weather... Chocolate Waffles, bacon, fruit, hammer power bars and COFFEE...
- The Run- 10miles in the Smith Mountain Lake Trails (3 of my favorite words- Mountain, Lake, and Trails)... Only 4 guys this run, but what makes these workouts different than the runs back home, we have no rules.. Attack and Surge at your pleasure is the only rule, and thats what happened.. Around the 6th mile is when the combo surges happened, 1 guy dropped on the first 2, then i got left on the 3rd. Mainly from this crazy runner who doesnt get tired.. Anyway, I will get them tomorrow for our 70mile bike ride of climbing ;)

- A must needed nap happened for everyone, theirs a little longer than mine.. During that time, I did a strength session/yoga on the dock for 45min. 
- We then hung out, ate alot and geared up for Run #2
- Chris, our fastest runner here, went 6mi to our 4miles but we pushed the pace pretty good. Mile 2 and 3 were under 6min pace, and for one mile- after .5mile we were at 5.20pace... Not sure why our legs felt ok, but they did. 
- Then, Dinner/ a prank on 2 of our guys in the woods that really messed up with their head ;) / hang out / Sleep

Saturday - October 12th

- Last night during prayer for dinner, it was confirmed how awesome these guys are. God is very much apart of their lives and you could tell. On journies/training weekends like these, we all realize that at the end of the Day God receives all the Glory and Honor and we just need to show him an abundance of Gratitude...

-I thought I could beat them up this morning but couldnt. One more guy, Daniel, joined us last night at 3am from work and will be riding our 70mile journey today with us. So 5 guys ready to smash our legs, basically. A little chillier here this morning, but perfect Cycling weather... 

Over and out

Sunday - October 13th

- First off, Happy Birthday to my Mom- If I have one ounce of the Love and Care she has towards others I will be a good man.... Oh and she is 63 (sorry mom, I like to boast about your age) ;) 

-Yesterday, there was no update since my fingers didnt have the strength to type.. 
So we start our ride and to our dismay... Its raining pretty hard, windy, and not a shade of blue in the sky for miles to see.. The first 5miles we all were thinking about going back to the house and sit by the fire.. However, we decided to keep going. I have never seen so much beauty in my life. It looked like pics from Scotland.. The mountains in the back of 100 acres of grasslands and farmlands... It was absolutely breathtaking.. I kept on saying, "Look left" , "Oh snap, look right".. 
So we got in a rythm until one our riders got a flat... After 30min (pretty slow change) of changing that sucker we rode 6 more miles up this mountain. We then turned around and could not wait for our Cafe stop at mile 45. Once there, we had coffee (some had coke) and ate a sandwich. It was perfect.

We then had a 2nd wind going home and took it all in. The weather let up for the middle 40miles, but then our last 15 were in a good downpour again.. Honestly, it made the bike ride so awesome.. I finished thinking 75miles at home where its not that hilly and no rain will feel like Nothing compared to this. 
(This is what its all about, putting yourself- during training- in circumstances that are extremely tough and mentailly get your mind over the barrier)
Inclunding stops, we were gone for 6 hours!..... So when We got home, we ate so much flipping food and drank a few bruiskies as well while the fire place was flaming in full force.. We just talked our way through the night and fell asleep at 8.50pm (Lol).

- Now I sit on the porch again, while everyone is sleeping, and just enjoying my coffee and God time as we shortly will be going out for another run... 

That was awesome! There is just something about the last workout of a brutal 3 days of training... We hit up the trails again for 6miles but the last mile, we made it out on the road and got up to sub 5min per mile pace.. This time I hung with these Super Runners.. 
Anyway- the nice soft landing was great for our legs after yesterday... 
- We then got home relaxed some and then headed home...

- These weekends are awesome, its even more impressive that the other 4 guys are hitched and their wives let them do this with the young Single lad ;) but man, do we destroy our legs only to make racing that much easier.. 

Training Camp #2 Done!

Angels peaking through the sky while we were on the boat.....

Glenn passed out!

refrigerator water filters

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